Centre for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP) London Data Dive 2023 was a fantastic interdisciplinary, inter-university, intercontinental delve into a mental health analytics. We are proud to have partnered with 80 students from 5 universities, 4 continents and for the industry, WSP UK to dvelve into data on Mental Health Analytics.

Digging into city datasets

Centre for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP) London mission is to support interdisciplinary research and innovation using Data Science in and for London. Students were working on datasets for Manhattan, NY and London. AccuCities 3D model of London has introduced a third dimension into city-wide datasets for London. Although this event’s projects didn’t go as far, there is an appetite to further explore for example how someone’s mental health is affected the higher up they go up a building.

3D Printed London for the winning team

Sandor has brought a small but appreciated present for the winning team, one of our 3D-printed London models.

“I am genuinely amazed by what these guys can do with data and of course, by many of the results.“ said Sandor Petroczi, AccuCities Director. “Many teams went to a great length to not just understand and visualize, but also to create new city data. The connection with the theme of mental health has also been incredibly interesting as building cities around people’s wellbeing is one of the top urban planning priorities and more data is needed to make better decisions in this objective.”

King’s College London (KCL) and its CUSP is a multi-year subscriber to the AccuCities 3D Model of London and so students will be able to exploit the datasets in the third dimension in future workshops as well.