3D Model of London in 500 x 500 metre Tiles

AccuCities 3D Model of London has many unique features. This video talks about one of them – it’s Tile structure.

The 3D Model currently covers 6 square kilometres, growing to 25 square kilometres by the end of September this year. The 3D data is organised in quarter square kilometre tiles. This allows for easy and efficient use of the 3D models as users only load and work on clearly defined sections of the dataset. Data organised in this way is also ideal for 3D printing and applications allowing for data overlays as our tile system corresponds to the O.S. national grid.

Tile TQ3280 SE​ is available as a free sample download on AccuCities.com. The sample can be downloaded as AutoCad solid, SketchUp, FBX, MAX and UE4 Project files as well as an Interactive 3D App. Different Levels of Details are available as a sample in every format.

Captured from 2016 imagery, this dataset is the most up to date and most affordable 3D Model of London on the market, available in the widest variety of 3D formats.